Black Doom

General Info

Certain damage count = Black Doom warps away if not in an attack cycle

6 SMG bullets = warp away

Black Doom randomly chooses one of four directions to move towards at the start of the stage. Black Doom will then follow a pattern cycle for each next warp.

Black Doom loses invulnerability frames when attacking, and will not warp away until the attack cycle is done.

  • meteors attack - considered bad RNG, longest attack and difficult to exploit vulnerable wait; best to only go for the max bullets that regularly make Black Doom warp away
  • swift strike - considered good RNG, you can hit full 20 bullets+
  • vertical strike - considered good RNG, you can hit full 20 bullets+
  • clone attack - only happens when below a certain HP amount - if you get this rip run

When Black Doom enters phase 2, the next warp cancels. Black Doom is then vulnerable until next clone/attack cycle begins.

GUN Fortress

There are two weapon boxes containing SMGs. You will need both.

If Black Doom uses meteors on the first warp cycle, it is optimal to only attack with 6 bullets, otherwise it is likely you will run out of ammo.

Optimal play kills Black Doom after the first warp cycle.

During phase 1, for the first warp cycle, it is better to purposely only use 6 bullets. This keeps Black Doom under the HP threshold of clone attack.

Cosmic Fall

There is one weapon box containing an Assault Rifle.

Optimal play kills Black Doom with no warp cycle.

Final Haunt

There is one weapon box directly behind Shadow containing a Refractor.

Optimal play kills Black Doom with no warp cycle.

Black Doom's position has a large impact on if you will get a ~4s or ~8s time