Lost Impact

Next Stages in Story

Normal Hero
Cosmic Fall Final Haunt

Level Layout

<Insert Level Map Here>

Key Locations

Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 4 Key 5

Shadow Boxes

Box 1
Default Weapon SMG

Enemies in Stage

Weapons Available

Expert Mode Differences

Level Objective

Get to the Goal Ring, but it has been placed in a room at the final Gun Lift Station.

Notes of Interest

Artifical Chaos Info

The Artifical Chaos in this level can have different points and health. This infomation will be useful for routing out the Hero Mission. With this data we can determine that each Chibi that an Artifical Chaos has gives 40 Score Points and 200 Meter Points.

AC# Location AC Chibi Count Score Points Meter Points
1 5 200 1000
2 6 240 1200
3 5 200 1000
4 6 240 1200
5 6 240 1200
6 6 240 1200
7 5 200 1000
8 5 200 1000
9 6 240 1200
10 6 240 1200
11 6 240 1200
12 6 240 1200
13 6 240 1200
14 6 240 1200
15 6 240 1200
16 6 240 1200
17 8 320 1600
18 8 320 1600
19 5 200 1000
20 5 200 1000
21 6 240 1200
22 5 200 1000
23 5 200 1000
24 6 240 1200
25 5 200 1000
26 5 200 1000
27 16 640 3200
28 8 320 1600
29 8 320 1600
30 8 320 1600
31 8 320 1600
32 8 320 1600
33 12 480 2400
34 26 1040 5200
35 20 800 4000