Regarding Meter Points: 30,000 points fills a meter. So when routing out a chaos power route, use these values to see when you will have a full meter or how to extend a meter.

Black Arms

EnemyAffiliationHealthPoints (Kill)Meter Points (Kill)Points (Heal)Meter Points (Heal)Notes
Black Warrior Dark 4 150 2000 200 3000
Black Infantry w/ Shield Dark 2 200 2000 200 3000 Shield has 4 health
Black Wings Dark 2 100 1000 200 3000
Sand Worm Dark 6 400 3000 200 3000
Death Leech Dark 1 20 400 N/A N/A
Black Hawk Dark 6 200 2000 200 3000
Black Oak w/ Sword Dark 24 800 4000 200 3000
Black Arms Gunship Dark 40 500 1000 N/A N/A
Black Oak w/ Hammer or Big Shot Dark Dark 32 1000 5000 200 3000
Death Worm Dark 12 400 3000 200 3000
Black Assassin Dark 16 400 3000 200 3000
Black Volt Dark 6 200 2000 200 3000

GUN Army

EnemyAffiliationHealthPoints (Kill)Meter Points (Kill)Points (Heal)Meter Points (Heal)Notes
GUN Beetle Hero 2 100 1000 200 3000
GUN Soldier Hero 2 150 3000 200 3000
GUN Soldier w/ Shield Hero 2 200 3500 200 3000 Shield has 4 health
GUN Trooper Hero 8 250 4000 200 3000
GUN Golden Beetle Hero 4 1000 5000 200 3000
GUN Helicopter Hero 10 500 5000 N/A N/A
GUN Giga Trooper Hero 16 500 5000 200 3000
GUN Big Foot Type B Hero 32 1000 6000 200 3000
ARK Missile Turret Hero 16 100 1000 N/A N/A
GUN Big Foot Type A Hero 18 500 5000 200 3000

Eggman Army

The Kill points will be Dark in Cryptic Castle, Sky Troops, or Mad Matrix, otherwise they are Hero Points. Heal points will be the inverse of the Kill type.

EnemyAffiliationHealthPoints (Kill)Meter Points (Kill)Points (Heal)Meter Points (Heal)Notes
Egg Pawn Neutral 4 150 2000 200 3000
Egg Pierrot Neutral 5 200 2000 200 3000 Balancing ball has 5 health
Shadow Android Neutral 8 300 3000 200 3000
Egg Pawn w/ Shield Neutral 4 200 2000 200 3000 Shield has 4 health

Level Specific and Misc

EnemyAffiliationHealthPoints (Kill)Meter Points (Kill)Points (Heal)Meter Points (Heal)Notes
LH Tank Dark 350 N/A N/A N/A N/A Green Sheild under 150, loses shield at 50
Central City Big Bomb Dark 10 200 1000 N/A N/A
Egg Cruiser Neutral 80 200 1000 N/A N/A 12 damage when turret is destroyed regardless of weapon
Sky Troops Big Cruiser Neutral 120 200 1000 N/A N/A 12 damage when turret is destroyed regardless of weapon
Air Fleet Air Craft Hero 800 N/A N/A N/A N/A Not showing signs of damage under 600, Weak under 400, Cannot take much more under 200
Iron Jungle Egg Balloon Neutral 400 N/A N/A N/A N/A Blasistic under 300 Sheilds under 200 Two Pieces under 100
Ark Defense Matrix Dark 50 100 1000 N/A N/A
Lava Shelter Generator Neutral 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A
GUN Computer Hero 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Fire Dark N/A N/A 50 3000
ARK Researcher Hero N/A N/A 100 1000 Researcher dissappears after healed. No difference between healing with a heal orb or with the heal cannon.
Arificial Chaos Hero 40 per Mini AC 200 Per Mini AC 200 3000

For bosses points are depended on the method of applying damage. For now I wont list every option as I dont have them all, but if there’s a need for it we’ll get the data. Typically these fights are pretty straight forward though so I think they will be needed.


Black Doom Dark 100
Sonic and Diablon Hero 200
Egg Dealer Neutral 150
Black Bull Dark 80
Egg Breaker Dark Neutral 100
Egg Breaker Normal Neutral 200
Egg Breaker Hero Neutral 150
Heavy Dog and Blue Falcon Hero 140
Devil Doom Dark 200

These tables show how much damage each attack / weapon deals to the enemies / objects.


Ball Jump 2
Homing Attack 2
Punch 1
Air Kick 1
Slick Kick 2
Spin Dash 2


Survival Knife 2
Black Sword 4
Dark Hammer 6
Egg Spear 2
Env. Object 2
Pistol 2
Semi-Auto Rifle 4
Heavy Machine Gun 6
Gatling Gun 6
Light Shot 2
Flash Shot 2
Ring Shot 4
Heavy Shot 5
Egg Gun 2
Grenade Launcher 4
Bazooka 8
Tank Cannon 16
Black Barrel 4
Big Barrel 8
Egg Bazooka 8
4-Shot RPG 8
8-Shot RPG 8
Worm Shooter 6
Wide Worm Shooter 8
Big Worm Shooter 16
Laser Rifle 3
Splitter 4
Refractor 5
Vacuum Pod 6
Samurai Blade 8
Satellite Laser 18
Vacuum Egg Either you kill or you don’t
Omochao Gun 10
Heal Cannon 1
Shadow Rifle 32
Chaos Spear (Instant) 6
Chaos Spear (Charged) 20
Chaos Control (Travel Hit/Damage) 2
Chaos Blast 12
Flame Shield 1
Thowable Bomb Deals damage per frame. Anyone caught in the explosion long enough will die.